Check back later for our first 2 education programs, "Nutrition 101" and "Muscle Building 101"
Check back later for our first 2 education programs "Nutrition 101" and "Building Muscle 101".
Understand The "WHY"
A big-name health coach once told me "It doesn't matter what's good for my customers in the long term, if I can get them to lose a little bit of weight quickly, they will buy my service and come back again as soon as they gain the weight back." THIS IS NOT MY PHILOSOPHY. I was furious that someone would knowingly manipulate people like this, but unfortunately in the fitness world, this is what people think will give them success.
In these educational videos, I will help you understand the science of how our bodies work, so you can make your own decision.
Knowledge is power. As you come to understand HOW and WHY your body responds to food and exercise, you can understand exactly how to get the results you want. Take control of your own health.